
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

You are a MASTER of the English language!

While your English is not exactly perfect,
you are still more grammatically correct than
just about every American. Still, there is
always room for improvement...

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, April 02, 2004

nothing new to post, just up way late and time to go to sleep. seems i always seem to pots just before bed. why is that?

ah who cares? i'm tired.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

about ot head off to class, good times, i enjoy it immensely, its my humanities class, it was hella boring last time but of course that's always better than the class being hella busy and strenuous.

yeah, so go socrates and stuff!! yep, right on. anyways, i'm starting to live on aim, i need to stop because it's getting in the way of the simple things (like eating, peeing, breathing, ya know, the essentials)

well, this week should be interesitng, my spring break is after next week, so,mit kinda sucks to ahve to wait, but it'll be wellw worth it when it finally comes. when are your sspring breaks? i mean, i bet every person's mightn be slightly off. i might even go down to san diego to chill with bro. i'll look into it. just might happen

well, best of luck to everyone, i hope she emails me back, it would mean a lot to me.

Friday, March 05, 2004

ahh joys of buying 3 cds that are actually good for $5. i love you amoeba music.
yeah, no classes tmo and already gonna be up all night

Thursday, March 04, 2004

havent posted in a while, but im coming down this weekdn so if anyone wants to hang with me or even say hello id def be down with that. dude mike, i was just playing. its no big deal, its all good. aight, just wanna make sure everything between us is cool. alright, cool then

Monday, February 23, 2004

dude, paintball was tight, had fun all the way.

bummer of a weekend. i'm an idiot. but of course everyone knows that, yeah, i don't know what to say but i'm sorry and hope things can be great again. i know they can, and i had a great time with you, as i always do.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

its amazing who you'll meet at a concert, as evident by the finger eleven show tonight.

up late as usual, loved the finger eleven show, you all shoulda been there, it was awesome.

anyways, hop[efully ill see eveybody this week before i leave this weekend for paintball, that includes prono shopping with someone and just plaion hanging out with someone else and well who knows with everrybody else, gotta go, see ya

good luck with seeing all of you, im only one man..............................now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

updating, went to the evanescence concert on friday, saw like thousands of 8th grade wannabe goth girls singing to amy lee. was kinda funny, hey i ran with the goths in middle school, so anyways,

also went to linkin park tonight. i like hoobastank, and lp put on a great show, they're not bad. go sean from san jose!!!

i like in n out burger too, thanx guys!!!

i hoper i never spend that much on valentine's day ever, if i do, then shoot me, please.

think it might be time for sleep, maybe, just thinkin'. i just got home so it doesnt feel tooo late, well i just might.

good luck on your sabaticle kathryn, talk to you when you get back from abstinence.

have to finish plato tmo, good luck to me. and must do laundry also, hopefully ill m ake it until the end of the mointh on my current financial situation, itll be nice to have some cash. okay, im really going to sleep now, watching movies and concertts, whatn a dlife!!

p.s. - seeing finger eleven tomorrow at slims. this concert is only a dollar and five cents. kudos toi me, u all are jealous, i know it. heres to not knopwing anybody at a concert!!!! yipppeee!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

should be asleep by now but dont really need to go to sleep since school starts hella late tmo. anyways, trying to fil the time with stuff i know ill think of tmo. maybe i should go to sleep instead of trying to think of a reason to stay up

did ya get that?

hopefully, whew

i like sifting through magic cards and seeing someive never seen before, even though i know most of them its ref4reshing to see something knew, or even something pretty old. the cards suck though, but hey they were freee

ive had so much pink lemonade i the last 2 weeks. dude, its like a liter of lemonade a day. thats so much!!! anyways, gotta go drink some soda or something, could be worse:-P

god help me if im still up in a few hours.

ill try not to refer to "you girls" as you girls anymore, okay. woops :-)

good luck with lacrosse, you should be a wrecking machine now that you're like running and working out and stuff, you could probably kick my ass! but seriously, hope you do well.

glad you're happy, thats the most important thing.

and if you dont read this, please someone tell her that for me, thanx.

long post, but its getting towards the end, trust me. quantity, not quality. well okay, im trying to think of something to post. if anyone is around in town for ski week next week then gimme a call cuz i want to see whoever you are and hang out. come see my place in sf or i might be in town. at least call me so i know you're ijn town. or else ill assume you're off to the snow with the rest of the girls and boys who have ski week off (bastards didnt do it fopr woddside!!!) but its okay, cuz i got over it.

okay, signing off now, see everyone around and hope to talk to you soon,

oh yeah thats great about book study, told you you should go. to see hot guys like joe there. ;-) and hwatever else seemed to be so much fun. charlie is quite a gag. anyways

really going now, really.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

okay, last post, seriously considering sleep, although if i dont make it give my reagrds to ................. um............... well juist give them to someone. i would want them to have them....yeah.
maybe watch jackass again, hmmmmmmmmmm
should sleep..............
burning cds for peeps

u want something i have or think i might have then ask and id be glad to. rock on!!
have econ tmo and wrestling and meteorology. goofd imtes because my meter teacher isd a great guy. names oswaldo and he loves to joke around. born in havana and a cooolm dude

you should mee thim somtime

up late as usual, not much to post.

i like talking ot you girls on aim, its fun because i feel likke i can multitask to some degree and its comforting. it makes me happy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

myspace.com isn't that bad. at least for now, ya know?

why am i still up?
i mean, i have no reason to be, sux, i just keep stayinup. well, off to sleep or maybe post later on because i cant sleep

righto. okay then

get delirious when have no sleep

Monday, February 09, 2004

actually gotta do homework tonight, even though i'm college, i have to dhomework once every two weeks. anyways, its about plato so you girls probably klnow more than i do.

yeah, myspace isn't that bad, meting some peeps for aim and whatnot. yeah, knowm somebody who now works at hillosdale

goodtimes, oh yeah just in case people haven't been here for a while or know nothing of me, i don't spell check and i rarely ever go back over what i write. so if i merss up, that sucks, because itll be like that forever!!

cool beanss

sage, t.o., tyler,

whichever you prefer

Thursday, February 05, 2004

gona stay up late tonight becauyse of no school until 3:30. so that should be interesting. but i guess i'm already up late because its after 1 am so i've already accomplished my goals, yay ma.

anyways, i've go t so many new aimers to talk to now, it seems my cry for help finaly got out there. thanx you girls.

need to start working out more, wrestling is gonna klill me if i don't and i want to actuALLy make it on the team next year or a team next year if i dtry out. which i will since wrestling is tisight. hope all is well in dreamland, voodooland, and funland. except bob funland.

hint: find the family guy reference.

i like wheat thins, just not the salty ones.

who woulda thought miilions of years of evolution and kids would want to spend the entire weekend looking up trivia, run for fun, who woulds thunk it?

song quote for today:

"From green to red our days pass by waiting,
For a sign to tell us why,
Are we dancing all alone?

Collect some stars to shine for you,
Start today cuz there's only a few,
The sign of times my friend."

In Flames - Trigger

generic foreign goodbye...

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

it was great "talking" to you meaghan, emily, blythe, and caddie.
i enjoyed immensely.

btw, is it correct to say "talking?" i mean, its more of a conversation with typed words. i don't like "chat" but i guess that applies a lot better.

anyways, anybody doin the ski trip or is breakaway and church in general not a priority. no problem, just wondering because i feel like nobody cares anymore, thats too bad.

one more thing before i sink my teeth into a great george foreman grilled cheesegurger:

uhhhhhhh, add me to your aim and keep in touch. daily posts to this blog will be a lot easier fopr me if i know theres demand for my input (okay i know nobody really cares, so humor me). there it is, g'night

feel like a cheeseburger tonight, time to put that gril to some use!!

ill be in town this wekeend so feel free to call my cell phone and give me a holler cuz id love to at see some of you again

i was just perusing some recent blogs and i noticed somethin: most blogs have mike under there referrals, yet i am absent.

i mean, its no big deal and my blog is certainly on the list of blogs which get updated the least, but i would surely like to think i update more than he does. i guess it might be due to the fact that he is still in town. is there some unknown fact i am missing. i try not to worry and would like to think that you girls are my friends, as you are.

ah nevermind, im just wigging out. i wonder what maddy will do........she'll be fine, i think it would help if she thought of college and being away from all this next year. i know that i wanted to get out of my house and just start over at a new school just so i could prove it to myself and my parents and i dont know.

i wish i had spent more time and actually had a relationship with my parents, especially my mom, because i think i blamed them and held too many grudges for things they did. i mean, look how good i managed to turn out, they had to be doing something right, right?

yeah, my bad, bummer man, anyways

id like to reintegarte myself into the social dynamic that is casti if only for the undeniaBility that you'll be gone next year in some way, shape, or form. i just now got aim so i can talk to you (perverbial you) whenever, and id like to keep in touch before all is lost.

so on that note my aim: motherofgod36. it's from super troopers, oh yeah!!! aim me plaease!!! i already have kathryn's aim and id like some others, so just give me a holler and id be happy to citchat and remanisce.

anyways, i will continue to stay informed on the various blogs around the web so keep em posted, and i will try to do my part in keeping this updated for those who care. :-P

welp, its time for sleepy, good luck and hopefully this will all work out in the end.

ps - you know who you are - i still read your blog because i care and i want to know you. id love it if you im'ed me, but whatever helps you you should do. and i dont want this to sound like you're the only one affected, you're not alone. i kept looking forward to college that i didn't see what was right in front of me and didn't appreciate what it was. you were there the entire time, sleep well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

back in sf, aboutt o start school on wendesday, should be interesting. i mean, i've been out for over a month and i'm glad to be back where i was last semester. i still don't know about what i'm doing next year, wish me luck and good luck to you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

down here in ventura with matt and peeps. good times, not doin much but i have a feeling that brooks will become my new home once i finish with san francisco state, thie should be an interesting year!!! rock on and i hope all is well, or at least people think it is all and good at the time.....anyway, no feet.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

oh yeah, gotta return books today for less than 1% of what they are worth! but seriously, they do give some money back, so i'm off to makeup what i've spent, see ya
just chillin, saw Lord of the rings: return of the king 2 days early last night, it was INCREDIBLE!!! it was helloa good, i'm stil am,azed at how cool it was and how i'm bummed that there won't be anymore movies in the future.....bummer. anyway, my new friend(s) that work at the movies helped me out (jessica and kate). anyways, hope everyone else sees it soon so i can talk to u guys about it.


Thursday, December 11, 2003

got new computer, but seriously, just downloading all the old theme songs to all the old ty shows that i used to watch like hey dude and rocko's modern life and doug, dude that shit rocked!!! not much new except no more final for meterorology and my math one is tomorrow, wish me luck!!!! (i'll need it)

Monday, December 08, 2003

oh yeah, gotta do laundry tonight, runnin' on my last pair of boxers, and no more socks.....llooks like sandals it is!!!
gosh, i slept soo much last night, geesh, i guess that is what staying up all night will do to yoou, anyway, ghotta study for my critical thinking final tomorrow in twenty minutes, i think i'll do fine on the essay and on the final portion of it, so it shouldn't be too hard. studying, what a concept!!! anyway, gotta go eat some breakfast right now and then off to study, i just thought, ramen probably isn't the best breakfast item,,,,,,,ahhh who cares....i don't.

Saturday, November 15, 2003

oh yeah, i need/wanna see the matrix revolutions, anybody up for it? well, i'll see it alone if i have to.....anyway......what's up, it's late, obviously i am, hehehhehe, anyway, goodnight.
wish me luck at the magic tournament tomorrow, hopefullt my draft deck does well, or else i'm quitting magic forever!!!! or maybe i'll just be bummed for about 15 minutes. yeah, that second one sounds good.......i love family guy!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

that good old good feeling is back. not trying to overanalyze it, just thinking that this is going to be a good time.

making my blog happy again is kinda easier now......

got a great deal on some magic cards from ebay, that was exciting.

wrote another essay last night. one more midterm to go and i'm almost done with the semester. last day for most of my classes is around dec 7-12. good good times.......


Thursday, November 06, 2003

why do people always hurt the ones they love. i've done it to far too many times to far too many people. i hate myself for it.

she deserves better than me, she deserves a guy who will be as committed to her as she is to him. we were wonderful together, a relationship which i will cherish and remember forever. i loved her and still do, i know she knows this. i couldn't think of a better way to spend my last years in high school, or a better p[erson to spend them with.
i'm sorry for all the pain i've selfishly caused.
i think i'm going to get a new computer this month. my old one sucks hella dog poo, i mean, the monitor is fine, the keyboard is alright and i have a decent printer, it's just the brain of the whole thing has so many problems.

i might wait til christmas though, either way it probably won't be anything high tech, just somethin' to play dod, write essays, and oh yeah, play warcraft and civilization on...

anyway, kinda rainy up here, pretty boring, not much doin', if anybody reads this (and i do mean ANYBODY) gimme a call on my cell phone, i never get calls on my cell phone anymore, it's sad because whenever i turn it on and have no new messages it's pretty lonely. yeah.......one more thing, this whole call thingy applies to now until the end of time, so just gimme a holler.

well, college isn't as exciting as i thought it would be....maybe i'm going through a slump.........or maybe the excitement wore off and i'm adjusting to the normalcy of life up here. i think it's a slump, cuz there's bound to be something to do in the next few weeks. exactly, come thanksgiving this whole lonely thing will all be handled and done with. here's to then,

happy late halloween!!

Monday, November 03, 2003

went down to santa cruz for halloween, had tons of fun. i mwalked areound main street with some friends who go to ucsc and we saw some pretty sool costumes. anyway, i was the same things as last year, a dungeon, lord, master of the pit.....guy. anyway, stayed up pretty late friday and saturday hanging out with the people down there, i liked ther campus, i almost feel like transferring down there, but seeing as i don't even know my major or even what i want to do, i think i'll hold off on transferring at the moment. i'm curious as to what everyone around here did, amial me and give me the lowdown on what all you guys did. thanx.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

it's so damn hot in san francisco right now,,,,,,, i'm frickin' baking in the sun, even my apartment is on fire..

why is this happening in san fran? c'mon, it's supposed to be cold and muggy and foggy, not hot and clear and miserable.

anyway, time to go take the coldest shower of my life!!

oh yeah, and maybe do some homework, that'sd probably a good idea.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

in my meteorology class, it's about to begin, we have a laptop at each seat so in the middle of class i'm surfing the internet whuile "learning" about the weather and the atmosphere. hope all is well with everyone, i'm doing alright, and want the rest of the episodes of family guy from phil , dammit!!!n but anyway, good luck to everyopne, oh yeah mike, gimme a call, there are words which need to be worded........anywayy, just gimme a hollla.


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

want ot see a movie this weekend too........maybe that mexico movie, or texas chainsaw......or even that house of dead movie....we'll see....
still have yet to have the meeting which my roomamte mike is getting really pissed at brandon abvout. long story, but anyway, in opther news i need mike to get me some internet acvcess so i don't have to keep updating from the libary.

anyway, not sure if anybody reads this, i think it's one of those trhings where even if nobody reads this, the mere thought that somebody could read it makes me feel compeled to ewrite..

anyway, hopefully me and phil will go golfing this weekend, i need to get out and clean up my short game......and my long game.......and my chipping........and pretty much everything elser...okay fine i suck!!!! but anyway,

hope history isn't as boring as it was today on thursday, i just might stop going and only go to class to turn in the term papers.

time to go eat some grub and watch some of my thousand movies....maybe darkman....


Thursday, October 02, 2003

posting from my hip-hop roommate's room (brandon).

so anyway, took a nap today and am kinda lonely....it seems everybody is out having fun and no one wants to talk or, just come over. well, i guess i'll go make myself some more noodle-roni.

mike: good luck, i know you now what you are doing.

casti girls: i know how all you feel because now it is colege time and it's pretty stress-inducing to think about all that stuff. i know how you feel.

movie class should be fun tomorrow, i still have to write a paper on the use of blah b;lah due tomorrow, wish me luck

i'm coming down thisa weekend so hopefully everybody can come together and we can hang out just like old times. except we never really just hung out, but anyway........see ya soon.
wow, haven't posted ina while...anyway

college is still pretty cool, although i actuyally had to do some homework...it sucked,

i was up until 4 am writing an essya on the impact of industrial capitalism on class inequalities...anyway

sf is really cool, i went to see dashboard confessional and brand new and mxpx at the concourse last week, it was pretty cool except i missed half the show while waiting in line.

i would post more often but i don't have theinternet on my computer....when i do, then i'll posting like a mad hatter.

need to type slower.....off to go buy something at radioshack so i have the internet.

Monday, September 08, 2003

in th library looking up rndom web sirtes and the like, really ned to do homewrok tonight, should probably start it sometime soon.........but nyway

off to do homework and relax in the lving rom surrounded by the sond of johnny cash

Friday, September 05, 2003

posted a new deck today on livejournal, be happy, cuz if you're reading this then i've already foregone posting on the 'journal' and now i'm updating just form lucky ol' you.

anyway, i need to do laundry today, but i guess i can manage since i won't run out of clean boxers (since that's all you really need) in a few days.

see you around, tiem to go to sleep in math class (trust me, i'm not missing much).

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

one more thing...........waking up at the crack of noon is great. i know, you hate me. i love you too.
gosh, i gotta update TWO journals tonight, thanks maddy, youre making me work extrra hard now, remember i'm in college now!! that means LESS work....anyway, you make me laugh oh good 'ol friend of mine, anyway, sorry about the chinese food breath. my bad

oh yeah, maddy, get back to class, i know you're reading this at lunch, or on one of your free periods, at the very least you're at castilleja, i know that much.....so hey, make the most of your time and go spy on the middle....er...high school girl's locker rooms and check out that pooty for me. c'mon, i know there's got to be SOME thing good to be seen in there. thanx a bunch

cheery enough?

anyway, i sayn that way to much, ....at leasat when i'm blogging i use it way too much. i never say anyway inn regular speech, maybe i should..........anyway.................. :-P

gota go sleepy...bye-bye.

by the way - i'm voting for coleman, gary that is. dude he would be a great governor of california. my vote is gonna count! dammit.

Sunday, August 31, 2003

time to watch the extras on evil dead and make some dinner

hmmmmmm.......i think it'll be teriyaki tonight.....wait.....that's what i had last night.........awwww who gives a fuck? i'm eatin'
bought a cd by Brand New and the Johnny Cash cd today at virgin records. i took the train to sf and walked around today, it was alright. there a bunch of bums though, but hey, they got it worse than i do, so anyway. the johnny cash cd is so tight. that guy is creepy and deep and cool all at the same time

anyway, the other cd (brand new) is hella good too. you guys and girls should check out them on kazaa or anywhere else. if you want i can burn it for you.......for a price........aw what the hell, i'll do it for free, just because i'm a nice guy.

see you around
well i did find somkmething to do, i found time to sit around my apartment bored off my ass. the mall sucks and i guess watching evil dead was a good substitute,
anyway, time for sleepy, nowe bye-bye

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